Who may play?
- All part time and full time students, faculty, staff members and official volunteers of Cedarville University, except as noted below, are eligible to participate in the Intramural Sports Program. Spouses of students, faculty, staff members and official volunteers are also eligible to participate. Alumni, former students and faculty or staff children are NOT eligible to participate.
- Students must be enrolled in a degree program, must be in good standing (not on academic or disciplinary probation), and must be enrolled in at least one class.
- Individuals must dress according to the campus dress code as it applies to recreational pursuits. Shorts must be modest and spandex shorts are not appropriate without looser fitting shorts worn over top.
- Individuals must be listed on a roster form before participating in an intramural sports. Players names will be listed on the score sheet for each game according to the official roster. Players may be added to teams up through the next to the last week of the regular season with the approval of the Director, or Assistant Director of Campus Recreation.
- An individual must be on a team roster for at least one regular season game and play in a t least one regular season game to be eligible to compete with that team during playoff competition.
- An individual may not play on more than one team in any given intramural sport. If a player wishes to transfer to another team, he/she must do so through the Director, or Assistant Director of Campus Recreation. A team may not pick up a player during the season who has played more than half of the regular season for another team.
- Any player using an assumed name shall be barred from all intramural sports for a period of at least 4 weeks. The team for which he/she played will be awarded at least one forfeit and maybe more.
- A student who is a member of any intercollegiate varsity athletic team, or who is red-shirting for a varsity team, or who at one time during the school year was a member of a varsity team and has been declared academically ineligible, or is working out (practicing) with a varsity team and continues to do so past that teams first regular season game (including transfer students), is not eligible to participate in the same, or similar intramural sport during the academic year in which they are so listed.
- A student who is a member of any junior varsity (JV) intercollegiate athletic team, or who at one time during the school year was a member of a JV team and has been declared academically ineligible, or is working out (practicing) with a JV team and continues to do so past that teams first regular season game (including transfer students), is not eligible to participate in the same, or similar intramural sport during the semester in which they are so listed. Once a player finishes his JV season in the fall (i.e. basketball, volleyball, soccer) and does not move up to the varsity squad, he/she may participate in the same or similar intramural sport the following semester (spring).
- Former intercollegiate Varsity athletes may participate the year following their intercollegiate involvement.
- Students who are a members of a CU club team may participate in the same or similar sport the same semester as their club participation. There will be limitations though as to the number of current and past club team members on any one intramural sport team.
- Any one intramural team is limited to the following number of former * varsity players, JV players and club team members (current and past):
- Basketball, volleyball & wallyball - 2
- Soccer & Ultimate Frisbee -4
- Indoor Soccer - 3
- These guidelines for varsity players will be in effect for eight years after their athletic involvement. These guidelines for JV and Club players will be in effect for four years after their athletic involvement.
- Individuals who have competed professionally in a particular sport will be ineligible for eight (8) years from the date of their last professional participation in that sport.
* Varsity players who were considered "starters" and started at least half of the games on a varsity team will count as two ex players.
How do I get involved?
- Entry dates have been established for each intramural sport and have been posted on the web and will be sent out by e-mail. The earlier a team signs up within the registration period the more likely they will play at the times they most prefer to play.
- Before signing up for any Intramural Sport, please read through the Information Page for the particular sport for which you are registering. These information pages are linked from the List of Activities.
- For team sports, Cedarville University family members may sign up either individually (as a Free Agent) or as a team.
- Those wishing to form a team from among eligible friends, unit mates or other group members (organizations) should select a team representative (Team Captain) to read through the Intramural Sports Handbook, select teammates and sign up the team on-Line. Team Captains will need the name and login name of each team member before attempting to sign up a team. Registration is done on-line and the link to do so can be found at the bottom of the information page for each sport.
- Those who would like to play a team sport but do not have a team to sign up with may sign up as a Free Agent (same link at the bottom of each information page). Team captains will have the opportunity to pick up Free Agents to fill out their teams.
- To access the registration system to sign up individually, sign up for an individual sports, or to sign up a team, click the link at the bottom of each of the information pages (for the sport you are registering).
Level of Play
- A-League
Skill Level: Higher than average
Competition: High and fairly intense - B-League
Skill Level: Average and below
Competition: Competitive but less intense than A league
Captain's Responsibilities
The team captain acts as a liaison between the office of Recreational Activities and the members of his/her team. The primary responsibilities of the team captain is to relay information to team members concerning intramural policies and regulations, as well as inform team members of specific sport rules and game schedules. In order to fulfill these responsibilities effectively, intramural team captains should:
- Read and understand the Intramural Handbook on the web.
- Know all eligibility and participation rules and ensure that these rules are followed.
- Register their team according to the established guidelines. This includes selecting a team name that is Christ honoring. Any team submitting a roster with an inappropriate or questionable team name may either have its name changed by the Director or maybe eliminated from further competition. Information that the team captain will need to have before signing up includes each individuals name and I.D. number and days and times players can not play.
- Obtain, read and understand the specific rules of play for the particular sport in which they are signing up and relay this information to all team members.
- Monitor the game schedules on the web pages for relevant information (such as game days and times, locations, proper shirt color, postponements, etc.) and relay such information to all team members.
- Insure that the team does not forfeit any of its contests by encouraging team members to be at the game site ten minutes before each game.
- Promote fair play and good sportsmanship among team members and opponents (see Sportsmanship).
- Help game officials before each game match up players names from the score sheet with the players on site.
Physical Risks & Injuries
Participation in any of the Recreational Activities, including Intramural Sports, are completely voluntary. Each participant must be aware that all recreational activities intrinsically involve risk of physical injury and by taking part acknowledge and assume the risks inherent therein. The University seeks to provide a safe environment for recreational pursuits, but does not provide the same standard of care as the intercollegiate athletic program. Athletic trainers will not be present during intramural games. When injuries do occur, EMS should be called by the supervisor on duty, the official working a particular game, or sometimes by the participants themselves. All participants are urged to obtain a physical examination before participating in any of the recreational activities programs. Each participant is responsible for knowing their own physical limitations.
Only protests concerning the eligibility of a player or the misinterpretation of a playing rules will be considered. Protests based on the official's judgement will not be considered. Protests should be made in the following manner:
Eligibility Protests
Whenever questions arise concerning a player's eligibility, the official and the opponent's team captain should be notified before or during the contest. If a question still persists after speaking to the official and the opponent's team captain, ask the official to make a note of the protest on the back of the scorecard and the Recreational Activities staff will investigate the matter.
Rule Misinterpretation Protests
Rule misinterpretation protests must be made verbally at the time of the incident and in a respectful manner to the head official, stating that it is an official protest. In the event that a team still wishes to protest after the official has attempted to resolve the problem, the official should note the game situation and reason for protest on the back of the scorecard. From that point, the game will be continued under protest. The protesting team's captain should stop by the Campus Recreation Office on the following day to talk with the Director of Campus Recreation. All decisions concerning protests will be ruled on by the Director of Recreational Activities. Games in which protests are upheld may be replayed from the point of protest. Only those players who were present during the original game may play in a protested game which is upheld and replayed.
Forfeits & Defaults
- If a team or contestant fails to appear at the designated playing site within five minutes of the games scheduled starting time, the official may declare the contest forfeited to the team or contestant ready to play.
- A "team" must have at least 75% of the maximum number of players present to play.
- 3 Man Basketball (3) 2 players
- Basketball (5) 4 players
- Football (7) 5 players
- Indoor Soccer (6) 4 players
- Soccer (11) 8 players
- Softball (10) 7 players
- Volleyball (6) 4 players
- Ultimate Frisbee (7) 5 players
- All players must be listed on a teams roster form to legally play in a game with that team. Team may not pick up players who are not on their roster in order to play a game. Once a forfeit has been called, a team may pick up other players to play a pick-up game.
- Any team receiving a second forfeit during a season for non-appearance will be automatically dropped from further competition.
If a team realizes ahead of time that they will not be able to field a team for a scheduled game, they may default the game and avoid receiving a forfeit. In order to default a game, a team must notify the Recreational Activities Office by 3:30 p.m. on the day of the game. It should be noted however, that a team is allowed to default only two contests during any sports season. The third default will be treated as a forfeit.
II Timothy 2:5 says "And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules." (NKJ)
All individuals and teams involved in our Intramural Sports Program will be expected to comply with the SPIRIT, as well as the LETTER of the rules that cover each competitive situation. Abusive language and disrespect toward officials and other participants as well as intentional violation of the rules are not "part of the game." What is part of the game is the pure satisfaction of playing, becoming fit, and strengthening friendships. We encourage all participants to exhibit attitudes and actions during play which bring honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. Game officials are responsible to make decisions whether to warn, penalize, or eject persons or teams displaying poor sportsmanship.
Rating System:
Game officials will evaluate the performance of each team concerning their sportsmanship after each contest based on the following criteria:
4 Points: Excellent
An attitude of complete cooperation by all team members throughout game. Respect for, and cooperation with, game officials are shown.
3 Points: Good
Still an attitude of respect for, and cooperation with, the game officials and opponents. No warning or ejections are given out about poor sportsmanship. Only minor infractions of sportsmanship occur.
2 Points: Fair
Still shows cooperation with game officials and opponents but with more complaining and grumbling. Could have one or two warnings (yellow cards) or one ejection for poor sportsmanship. A maximum of one ejection and one or two warnings. one red card or ejection, or one or two yellow cards.
1 Point: Poor
Team fails to show a spirit of cooperation with officials or opponents. They may continuously complain and /or argue to officials about calls and interpretations, may demonstrate a bad attitude on the part of one or more players, may play unnecessarily rough, causing potential safety hazards. Team may receive several warnings and one or two ejections.
0 Points: Very Poor
Team demonstrates blatant disregard for the spirit of competition and fair play. Play may be dangerous with occasional intent to injure opponents. Team captain shows little or no control of his/her player's conduct.
In order for teams to be eligible for playoff competition, they must have a cumulative average rating for sportsmanship throughout the regular season of at least a 2.5 and may not have more than one rating of 1.0 or lower. In order to continue in playoff competition, teams must earn a "Fair" (2) rating or higher in each game. Teams which earn lower than a "Fair" (2) rating will be eliminated from playoff competition.
An entire team may be terminated from competition during either the regular season or during playoff competition if in the judgement of the Director or Assistant Director their sportsmanship is undeserving of further participation. Examples of this would include, but is not limited to, the following: 1) two or more teammates involved in a "fight," 2) repeated hard and/or dangerous plays, and 3) repeated use of abusive language.
Abusive language will not be tolerated. Players who use foul language such as swearing or abusive name calling will be ejected from the contest without warning. Players who continually harass or question game officials will also be ejected from the contest.
An individual ejected from a contest for displaying poor sportsmanship will automatically be suspended for their team's next game as well. If an individual is ejected from a second game in the same sport season, that individual will be suspended from their teams next two games.
Whenever participants are physically abusive, the following penalties will be assessed:
- If a participant is involved in a "minor scuffle" (a pushing match without swings), whether they are the primary aggressor or they retaliate, they will be ejected from the contest in which the scuffle took place. They will also be declared ineligible to play for their teams next two games.
- If a participant is involved in a "fight" where punches are thrown, whether they are the primary aggressor or they retaliate, they will be immediately declared ineligible for all intramural competition for at least 10 weeks.
Intramural Sports Officiating
Competent Intramural Sports Officials are vitally important to the success of our Intramural Sports Program. Here are 7 good reasons why you might want to become an Intramural Sports Official:
- Develop strong leadership characteristics
- Learn new skills
- Improve ones self confidence and dependence on God
- Earn better than average student wages
- Work flexible hours
- Meet, get to know, and have fun with many different people
- Opportunity to be around the sporting environment throughout the week
Previous officiating experience is preferred, but not required. Training clinics are scheduled for each sport to help teach rules, mechanics, knowledge, procedures, and responsibilities. Individuals may both officiate and play in the same sport. Students interested in officiating should plan to attend the appropriate mandatory clinics listed below.
Officials Pay Scale:
Per game pay for the 2022-23 school year
Level | Experience | Dodgeball | BB Score Keepers | Volleyball | 3MBB - 5MBB - Soccer - Flag FB |
1 | Little or no experience at CU | $7.00 | $9.30 | $10.00 | $12.00 |
2 | 1 year at CU in sport | $7.50 | $9.40 | $11.00 | $13.00 |
3 | 2 years at CU in sport | $8.00 | $9.50 | $12.00 | $14.00 |
4 | 3 or more years at CU in sport | $8.50 | $9.60 | $13.00 | $15.00 |
Blood Policy
Whenever a player is observed bleeding with any kind of open wound (cut, scratch or puncture), or has blood on his/her clothing, the game should be temporarily stopped and the player removed from the game until the bleeding is stopped, the wound is covered, and the clothing is changed.
The Intramural Sports Program is played at the recreational level where competition and aggressiveness should not be over emphasized. Even though participation and enjoyment for all is emphasized, we do encourage healthy competition by awarding the winners of each individual, dual and team sport a special T-shirt to recognize their achievement.. When possible, the championship shirts will be distributed immediately after the championship game at the game site. When that does not work out, shirts may be picked up at the Recreational Activities Office. For team sports, we would ask that the captain pick up the shirts from the office for the entire team and distribute them to the players.